Index Page to Ofoto Albums
You do not need to sign in to the OFOTO site to view these albums - ignore the sign in section of the Album page.

When you access an album look for the "VIEW PHOTOS" button below the opening picture -click that to view thumbnail views of all the images. From there you can select individual photos or to view all of them in slideshow fashion look to the right and click on SLIDESHOW.

A new screen will open with the first image - hit PLAY on the slideshow controls and each image will display briefly before moving on to the next slide or photo. You can click STOP, NEXT or PREVIOUS to control the slideshow.

You will be able to access all albums from the links above without registering with Ofoto or signing in. In order to use the interactive features such as ordering prints or leaving comments you will need to register with Ofoto - painless but it's one more account and password to remember.

Dick Williams

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Mar 26, 2004